History of Higher Ed. Curation

This has been a wonderful summer of courses for me! I have loved my instructors, the courses, and the knowledge I have gained throughout these past 9 weeks. However, the content in my courses has not overlapped much. Typically, in this area of study, content bleeds- conversations from one course overflow into and impact another. Yet this summer, my courses for History of Higher Education and Web 2.0 Based Learning and Performance have not intersected yet.

Until now…

In my History of Higher Education course, we had an Archival Assignment. We were instructed to visit Florida State University’s Archives and Special Collections (if you have never visited, I highly recommend!) and create a social media post to inform others on our topic of interest. Here, I experienced my course intersection! I curated content owned by an institution and posted into the realm of social media. I created the description, the wording, and even edited some of the photos; however, the original content was not mine. This was easily one of my favorite course projects I ever completed and loved getting to utilize knowledge from both courses simultaneously! Feel free to take a sneak peek below!



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