Editing Your Social Media Footprint

We all know the concept of spring cleaning. Gather ill-fitting clothes for donation, deep clean the baseboards, and dust the hard-to-reach areas that are often left forgotten during regular tidying. But what about the spring cleaning of social media? Many of us have maintained these platforms for 5, 10, or 15 years and gained followers, friends, and subscribers from all different phases of life. These connections work both ways too- as consumers we connect with some and as producers we may connect with others.

I recently “cleaned house” on my Facebook. I hid old profile pictures, some dating back to 2008. I also “unliked” certain groups and organizations that I once followed in high school or college. In the past, I’ve gone through Facebook friends and deleted individuals who I no longer wish to see or who I don’t want seeing me. This cleaning isn’t just on Facebook, though. I’ve also scrubbed my Instagram account, unfollowing content creators I no longer find relevant or enjoyable and becoming much more intentional about what I post these days.  While some may feel like social media can be an archive of memories, I’ve recently felt that I want it to be more of a reflection of who I am now rather than who I have been.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi S. M. Trupiano,

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on "social media cleaning." I recently cleaned my Facebook account, but I still need to unfollow numerous accounts that don't add value and clutter my feed. I also regularly clean my Instagram account, restricting or muting stories and posts that I find stressful or unhelpful.

    It's essential to keep these platforms tidy. Many of the accounts and connections I have don't contribute positively to my experience, so I plan to continue cleaning my Facebook and Instagram from time to time.


  3. S.M. Trupiano, that is a great point you made about the concept of Spring cleaning , but taking it in the social media space. Yes, there are times when a deep cleaning or Spring clearning is needed. Just to start over or refresh.


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