Hello Future, It’s Me.

What would you tell your past self if you could? Would you give advice or offer some sage wisdom?

Make sure you study for that Chemistry final.

Don’t get that awful haircut.

Invest in Apple- it’s gonna be big. (P.S. Not the fruit.)

Well, although no one has quite found a way for us to speak to our younger selves, there are ways to speak to your older self- that is, your future self. One of our tools this week was FutureMe.com. If you did not get a chance to explore it, I highly recommend you do. I have written “Letters to Self” many times before as an exercise at summer camps or retreats. What I love about this tool is that you can set a completely random date for the letter to be emailed back to you. It can be as far into the future as you would like. Then, one day, you receive this letter from your past- a happy surprise, long forgotten. In my letter, I wrote about where I am now, what I am looking forward to in the upcoming months, and my hopes for where I will be when I get the letter. Now, if only I could go back and tell myself to invest in some random stocks in the early 2010s.



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