Social Media: Your Virtual Diary, Scrapbook, and Archive All-In-One

This weekend I hung out with my family and we began discussing our Pinterest accounts. Although we do not use them much these days, we used them religiously in high school and college. I still have all my different boards for my various interests: Home Is Wherever I’m With You where I pin my home décor dreams, And They Lived Happily Ever After for wedding related content, and Places to Go, People to See for all the travel tips and bucket list destinations I could ever want.

We discussed how funny it can be to look at our Pinterest boards now. Our old ideas of the “perfect wedding look” would mortify us today and the home décor I loved as a high schooler didn’t quite stand the test of time like I thought it would. Yet, there they all are: these pins from my past. Scrolling through it appears like a virtual diary or scrapbook- every interest and idea cataloged for all eternity. Eventually, you find the more recent additions that match my current style and goals, but not without seeing where and how it all began.

The same can be said for Facebook, Instagram, and many other forms of social media where we can catalog and archive this content for years. Last week I spoke about “spring cleaning” our social media; however, occasionally it can be fun to look back on those memories. Like a scrapbook full of old pictures, sometimes you can’t help but chuckle!



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