What. A. Week.

Can I just say, this last week has been an absolute whirlwind! Last week I had the wonderful fortune of going back to my childhood summer camp for a whole week as a dean. In this role, I led the spiritual programming for the week. I had such an indescribable time with the most precious children at one of my favorite places in the world. We filled the days with singing, dancing, laughing, crying, playing, sweating, and all the other joys that summer camp brings! Then on Friday, my husband and I closed on a new home here in town! We spent Friday signing documents, getting the new house cleaned, and started moving a few items from one place to another. Saturday was our big move day. From 6 am to 11:30 pm was non-stop: packing up items, picking up the Uhaul, loading and unloading, loading and unloading, loading and unloading, returning the Uhaul, running to Home Depot, rewiring our dryer (can check that off my list of new things to learn this week!), and starting to organize items into our new home. Sunday, we met my family for a birthday breakfast in celebration of my dad, loaded up the remaining items leftover for moving, deep cleaned our old house, and I drove to Ponte Vedra for a conference. Now, I am sitting in my hotel room exhausted, but of course with enough energy to still blog!



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